Is this UK's most dangerous McDonald's? Three men stabbed in busy restaurant 12 days after s
BRAWL: Men fight with knives and chairs in the McDonald's on January 12 (Zed 1/YouTube)
THREE men were stabbed in a mass knife brawl in a busy McDonald's restaurant just 12 days after two men were knifed in a similar attack by three men there.
Up to seven black males aged 16 to 20 armed with large knives went into the Edmonton branch in Fore Street at 5.15pm on Thursday and ambushed four other men eating in there.
CCTV: Footage of the first attack was leaked onto social media (Zed 1/YouTube)
Three of the males, aged 20, 21 and 25 were treated at hospital for stab wounds and an elderly man was caught up in the attack.
On January 12 two men were stabbed in a similar attack at the restaurant.
The footage of the earlier incident was caught by McDaonald's CCTV and copied onto a phone by an unknown person before being released on social media.
The Met Police said it was too early to say if they were linked, but following the latest incident, it carried out stop and search in the area to try to prevent any reprisal attacks.
No one has been arrested for either of the incidents.