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SHOP A COPPER: Met Police launches anti-corruption and abuse hotline to report bent officers

PEOPLE will be able to share information about Metropolitan Police officers and staff who abuse their power and position of trust from today (November 29). The Metropolitan Police Service Anti-Corruption and Abuse Hotline – believed to be a first of its kind in UK policing – has been established to collect information about employees of the Met who are corrupt and committing serious crimes or causing harm to others. The hotline will be managed by the independent charity Crimestoppers. Their specially trained staff will answer calls and take information to ensure the anonymity of callers. Commander James Harman, head of the Anti-Corruption and Abuse Command, said: “There are tens of thousands of people at the Met who work hard to fulfil our duties honestly with integrity. Nothing upsets our good people more than knowing there are officers or staff abusing their powers and letting the public down. “It is so important that the good majority at the Met can trust their colleagues, and that the public know there are clear systems in place where appalling behaviours will be challenged and addressed robustly. “We are therefore taking this exceptional step to identify and remove anyone who corrupts our integrity from the Met. We want to reassure the heroic majority within the Met to know that corrupt colleagues will be rooted out, but also for the public to see how seriously we take abuses of power and how determined we are to rebuild trust and confidence in the Met.” The hotline follows the creation of the Anti-Corruption Command in October, whose focus is on proactively rooting out any corrupt and abusive officers and staff, and is part of Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley (above’s) mission for the Met of More Trust, Less Crime and High Standards. Crimestoppers will take calls from the public about police officers or staff employed by the Metropolitan Police regardless of whether the information relates to them whilst they are on or off duty, online or in person. Calls to the number are free and information can be provided anonymously. Alternatively, people who wish to be kept updated about the information they have provided can opt to leave their details. If you hear or know about a Met police officer or member of staff who: - Trades police information or influence for money or other favours. For example, expects free goods and services, associates with criminals, discloses police information. - Leverages their police powers for sex or other personal benefits. For example, propositions a person who they have come into contact with through their job, perhaps a victim of crime. Makes contact on social media or in person for reasons other than official business. - Abuses or controls people close to them. For example, is violent or abusive, physically or emotionally, towards their partner, children or others close to them. - Is racist, homophobic or misogynistic, and displays this in behaviour. For example, sends messages on chat groups, makes comments online or acts this way in person. Information received by Crimestoppers will be passed to a specialist team in the Anti-Corruption and Abuse Command who will assess the information and pass the information to specialist detectives to begin an investigation, take steps to safeguard someone at risk or in danger, or record the information to inform future investigations. Commander Harman, added: “The public can help us by sharing any information they have. We know that trust in us has been impacted and that is why we have asked the independent charity Crimestoppers to manage the hotline. “If you have information about a police officer or member of staff who works for the Met and is corrupt, abusing their position and power, please call the hotline on 0800 085 0000 so we can act.” Information can also be provided through Crimestoppers online. + Visit the Crimestoppers Metropolitan Police Service Anti-Corruption and Abuse Hotline page for further information, including what to report to the hotline and what to report elsewhere.


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