EXCLUSIVE: 'Hippy crack seized' after police stop 'wanted driver' from going wrong way down A12 at Ilford

Police stopped a wanted driver heading down a busy dual carriageway in the wrong direction by bringing his vehicle to a stop with their cars.
The drama unfolded in Ilford, east London, when police in a patrol car tried to stop a grey Volkswagen after identifying the driver as a wanted person.
However, the vehicle headed towards the A12 and tried to enter the carriageway in the wrong direction.
Police were able to use tactical contact to bring the car to a stop and prevent the dangerous manoeuvre.
An onlooker said there were at least four police vehicles at the scene, including two under cover units.
An ambulance was also in attendance.

The rear window of the Volkswagen was damaged and bags of gas cannisters, often used to fill so-called hippy crack balloons, with nitrous oxide, could be seen outside the vehicle.
As of 8 November 2023, nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas" was classified as a class C drug in the UK.
A Met Police spokesperson said: “At 12:47hrs on Sunday, 2 February officers on patrol in Springfield Drive, Ilford attempted to stop a vehicle, a grey Volkswagen Golf, having identified the driver as a wanted person.
“The vehicle made off towards the A12 where the driver tried to get onto the carriageway going the wrong direction. Officers used tactical contact to bring the Golf to a stop, preventing a serious risk to other road users.
“The driver was arrested for dangerous driving, failing to stop and possession with intent to supply class C drugs.”