EXCLUSIVE: Police officer who accessed databases for improper reasons for nearly three years kept jo
A POLICE officer who accessed force databases for non policing reasons over nearly three years was able to keep his job after being given a final written warning, it has emerged.
Leicestershire Police also withheld the name and rank of the officer from very brief details it published about the case.
Most police officers who face misconduct proceedings are named, but in some unusual circumstances, a name can be withheld.
The force did not say why the name was kept confidential.
The hearing took place in February, but the case has just been discovered by Essex News and Investigations as part of research into police misconduct cases across the country.
A brief report on the case said: "The officer faced allegations that between January 4 2016 and November 8 2018 he breached the standards of professional behaviour, namely: confidentiality; orders and instructions; and discreditable conduct.
"The allegations relate to the use of a police system to access information for a non-policing purpose.
"The officer received a final written warning."
Officers in other forces have been sacked for shorter database breaches.
The conduct could also be considered misconduct in public office with the potential for criminal prosecution.
We have asked the force a number of questions about this case and await responses.